a zoo in my luggage造句


  1. This experience provided material for his book " A Zoo in My Luggage ".
  2. Particularly notable was his depiction of a native ruler, the Fon of Bafut, who proved so popular that Durrell visited him again in " A Zoo in My Luggage ".
  3. The books written by Durrell about these expeditions-" The Bafut Beagles " and " A Zoo in My Luggage "-portray the Fon mostly in a humorous fashion, alcohol, but also in more flattering ways as well.
  4. To me, the ( destruction ) of an animal species is a criminal offence, in the same way as the destruction of anything we cannot recreate or replace, such as a Rembrandt [ a famous painting ] or the Acropolis ( in Athens ) . ( " A Zoo in my Luggage ")
  5. Along with his work at the Jersey Zoo and childhood experiences on the Greek island of Corfu, these expeditions provided the basis for many of Durrell's 37 books, including the best sellers " My Family and Other Animals " ( Viking, 1956 ), " The Bafut Beagles " ( Viking, 1954 ) and " A Zoo in My Luggage " ( Viking, 1960 ).
  6. It's difficult to find a zoo in my luggage in a sentence. 用a zoo in my luggage造句挺难的


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